

Correcting last post:

So, instead of applying for an MA in OT, I went crazy and applied for an MDiv. An AP MDiv, actually, which means, if it works out, they consider my undergraduate classes and give me credit toward my degree based off of similar coursework I've already completed. Instead of taking a 90ish hour degree, I'll complete a 70ish hour degree. Which, beyond being more convenient, is cheaper, shorter and full of less familiar material. Cool, huh?

And feel free to blame my lack of posting on the admissions process, applying for a mortgage, continuing to apartment shop, trying to remember Hebrew and general running about.

More later. :o)


Preparing & Reflecting

I'm sort of selfishly blogging today. I needed to sort of debrief & unwind. And as Kenyon isn't around to share a bottle of wine, I'm using you all as the perfect means for unwinding. So much is happening, so much to look forward to, so much to remember and so much to process. Here goes:

We're moving to Chicago in January. I'm using the term "Chicago" loosely, and am referring more specifically to the Waukegan / Zion / Gurnee area. I will be attending Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and will be getting an MA in Old Testament & Semitic Languages. Waukegan is about 25 minutes away from Trinity, and the most affordable place to live within an hour of the school. Kenyon has family there, and grew up there, so after our couple of years in my hometown, I suppose it's only fair!

We have a lot of friends who live in Kenosha, WI, which is just over the border and only about 30 minutes (when Kenyon drives) north of Waukegan. We're excited to live so close to them. In fact, we were both in a wedding for Jonah & Katie, two friends who live there now who we are particularly excited to be near. They've been bugging us to move for years now, so we're all excited about it. While I'm thinking about them, here's some pics from their wedding:

So from upper left going across, we have: 1) myself and some of the other bridesmaids, 2) Kenyon and one of his best friends, Jonah (the groom), 3) Kenyon, myself & Kristen, a friend of ours who was married to his friend Ricky, 4) Us and 5) Kenyon, Jonah's brother & Josh, one of his friends from high school. It was soo fun!

It was encouraging, to be around so many people our age who we knew we'd be able to see again when we moved up. It made leaving people here a little easier.

We're struggling with leaving my family, especially Chrispy & Sarah. We've even been spending time with my grandparents every other week, and are so disappointed that we'll have to give that up. But either way, we know it's time to go. I'll never be able to do what I want to do until I get back to school. It's time!

In less important but exciting news, we've been saving up to refurnish our apartment when we move, and have recently bought both a desk and a bedding set. These little things make it easy to get excited about the move. A place of our very very own, where we'll stay put for about 3 or 4 years. That will be THE LONGEST we've ever lived in one place. Can't wait!

More later. Enjoy your Saturday. :o)


Dad's Luau... our latest excitement.

That's right... we went to a luau this weekend. Dad and Wendy got married New Year's Eve last year with a super small ceremony, and planned themselves a smashin' luau for a much-later-and-bigger reception. It was Saturday, and it was fun. Enough fun, that it woke me from my I-forget-to-blog slumber. Pictures first:

Kenyon and I luau-ing.

Dad & Wendy... matching. (tee hee)

The PIG that was cooking IN THE PIT all night.
Dug up and eaten. Delicious.

Enter tropical paradise here.

Dad's greenhouse turned tiki hut. Woot.

It was a great time. A neat event in the middle of an otherwise monotonous August. We've had the pleasure of seeing Mom & Kenny a couple of times this summer, and even getting up to Chicago for pre-wedding festivities for Kenyon's long time friend Jonah, but other than that... same 'ol.

We're solidying plans for this January (when we're planning to re-arrange our lives a little bit) and will blog at that point. No point in me speculating and then changing details for you later. We'll fill you in soon. :o)




I think I shall throw myself a party every single time...


Your #1 Movie Source

Since we are passionate about movies, it only makes sense that we should pass along movie-related tid bits and news to you- our dear friends.

This is only marginally related but so dang clever. I'm posting this without Kenyon's approval, by the way, so only blame me if you find this a waste of time. :o) Brilliant, I think. This is RECYCLING, people!



Whoa I'm a Gardener

That's a lie. But, the truth is that Kenyon and I planted the miniest little garden ever, and we totally love it. It's precious. Let's just call us domesticated.

So far, I haven't even had to water it. The rain has done it's duty. I kept getting worried that they'd get beat up outside, but then I remembered that they were designed to be outside... ya, I know. New at this.

It's not even in the ground, it's in a super clean & well kept wooden box that Kenyon made for me. Three pepper plants an a tomato plant.

It's like unborn salsa. :o)


Tennessee Vacation Time...

So, I fail at keeping up. But here's to catching up on lost time. Some highlights:

Kenyon got transferred to a new Starbucks store. You'll now have to go to the College Hills store to get his wonderfully brewed coffee drinks.

Michelle had a little bit of a hospital fiasco when, during a CT scan, she was injected with IV contrast, which she apparently was allergic to. Awesome. (I recovered quickly- no worries).

Though not really a highlight at all, our Great Grandma Henley passed away on Friday. We only know her a little bit, but have always heard her spoken of very highly. She was a very wonderful woman, nearly 90, who lived a spunky, full life. We love her dearly, and have enjoyed celebrating her the last several days. She is loved by so many and will be dearly & warmly remembered. She's wonderful enough we can't help mentioning her.

Currently, we're enjoying a much needed vacation in Tennessee. We took the week off of work (we= Chrispy, Kenyon & myself- Sarah was unable to get off work) and spent it with Mom & Kenny. Wonderful. We're heading home tomorrow (overfed & sleepy, but extremely refreshed). Here's a few pictures for your enjoyment:


Sigh of Relief

Kilo is just fine. The vet took pity on us and did a bunch of stuff on Monday that we couldn't afford... and they did it for free. Who knew people even did things like that!?

So Kilo will make a full and wonderful recovery. My carpet, on the other hand, will not.

Small price, I suppose...


a Kilo Update

So, we thought Kilo was fine, but he doesn't seem to be... at all. We've been praying a lot that he'll get better, even though praying for a pet feels so silly...

After the pen cap fiasco, we expected quick improvement, only to find that Kilo seemed to feel worse... not drinking, eating, using the litter box, cleaning himself, anything. Apparently while he wasn't feeling well, he managed to get severely dehydrated, even to the point of becoming extraordinary constipated. Feel free to stop reading, as this feels absurd and gross to type out.

We took him to the vet Saturday morning, where they gave him an IV, two enemas, and laxatives (which we've been giving him twice a day since then), and since Saturday morning, has still not been able to move anything. The bad stuff has now been in there for at least three days, and in doing so can become extremely toxic, not to mention painful.

Basically, there is nothing left that we can do, except an exceptionally expensive "exploratory surgery." We love this cat dearly, but cannot legitimize allotting resources of this size to a pet when they should be going toward far more important and pressing things in our life. It pains me to talk like this, but that's the truth.

We've been force feeding him chicken broth and water for the last two days, massaging his belly and carrying him to and from the litter box, since it's getting difficult for him to walk.

I think we're both crushed. All he needs to do is go to the bathroom...

Thanks for caring. Again, I feel so stupid talking about a cat like this, but I really love that cat. I'd make fun of myself any other time, I promise. Just not this week.


Cuidado... Vomito de Gato

So I love my cat too much. This we know.

Sad news... he's super sick. I think we're going to have to go to the vet. I could pretend to be unworried... but I'm blogging about it, so I've blown my cover.

He's sleeping in the bathroom tonight, and is looking very pathetic. Kenyon, always a loving pet owner, stayed in the bathroom with him for an hour tonight. He's a sucker for that cat, you know.

* sigh *

Quick edit 4/17/2009

Kitty ate a pen cap. Finally that went away, and he's fine now. A pen cap. Stupid cat.


March Winds Bring April Showers

Greetings from the wetlands.

Kenyon and I are enjoying a relaxing afternoon in the office listening to the rain. It's raining hard, which could be gloomy, but instead seems melodic and relaxing.

I'm enjoying the rain, because our pipes get questionable when it rains, so I have an excellent excuse not to do laundry. Too bad...

We have recently renovated (i.e. cleaned/plowed/excavated) the extra upstairs bedroom and have transformed it into an office/guest bedroom. There's a bed in here (which has been claimed by Kilo), my desk and all of my files and bill-paying, account keeping & recording necessities, two bookshelves, and the one storage closet that we have. My favorite part about the room is the bookshelves. One is mine--cluttered by concordances, a gazillion dictionaries (in various languages), bibles, files, and books-- and the other is Kenyon's, and is empty except for his matching collection of Harry Potter books and three small paperbacks of various interests.

We spend quiet afternoons in here often, me at the desk computing, designing or studying, Kenyon on the bed, reading, using the laptop or playing with the Kitty. It's a nice change from the living room and the temptation of the TV, and an extra 20 feet further from our rather loud and intoxicated neighbors. A respite. In all honesty, it feels like a dorm room, a little bit, and we're still in a place in our lives where that's a comforting feeling.

Kilo prefers this room, as birds play in the bush outside one window and in the tree outside the other. He runs back and forth all day, and occasionally whines for Kenyon to give him a boost to see out the window that faces the bush. Kenyon does so, begrudgingly.

We hope you're resting somewhere, because the quiet afternoon feels so good.



Couldn't contain myself; I (Michelle) had to share.

A new Sherlock Holmes movie is set to release at the end of 2009.  And who is the cast? Our very own Robert Downie Jr. stars as Sherlock Holmes... with Watson casted as none other than Jude Law.  Yah, I know!

I am surprising pleased with the casting of Sherlock, but not so sure about Watson.  Funny, I always pictured Watson as a shorter and less lanky fellow, though I can't for the life of me remember if that's how Mr. Doyle described him or not.  Either way... Jude Law is never what I would have expected.

Read more about the movie here.

So excited... here's one of the production pictures from the set:


Best St. Patty's Ever.

Kenyon and I have had our favorite week of 2009 so far... this week.

Which is crazy, as it has yet to come to a close.

We had the privledge of joining my grandparents, 4 old friends and Chrispy & Sarah for cornbeef and cabbage on Monday night. Delightful. Food was surprisingly good (we won't lie... we'd never had either together in a St. Patty's day spread before), company was even better, and the conversation was hysterical. It's always wonderful to be surrounded by people who are.... quality. Down to earth, as real as they come, and terribly concerned with loving you to death.

We share Monday nights with Nana & Papa every other week, which is cool enough, but to add four of everyone's favorite people to the mix made the night even better. For Christopher, Sarah, Kenyon and I, it was really neat to sit back and watch such loving, wise people have a really good time, and quite obliviously impart all sorts of wisdom and character to us.

An excellent Monday night was followed by a similiarly wonderful Tuesday, when Courtney & Neil (from school) stopped in for some quality time before they prepare for their move overseas. They've felt a strong calling to head over to India to work & live there among the people for at least a couple of years, and we couldn't be more excited for them. To be immersed in such an incredibly beautiful culture is terribly exciting for them... and for us!

So we had the pleasure of feeding off of their excitement (not to mention feeding off of Kenyon's skillfully crafted skillet cookie) and wonderful memories for much of the evening.

A great St. Patty's day for sure.

Oh- and we get to go to Chicago this weekend in celebration of Kenyon's upcoming birthday. A fitting end to a wonderful week, I think...


Kilo's Adventure

With the sudden onset of spring weather and Kenyon and I's ever growing sense of cabin fever, we have officially thrown open all of the windows of our house to let in the fresh Spring air. I'm in heaven, as the bed sheets smell fresher, naps feel all warm & wonderful, and the smell of winter is dissipating.

Unfortunately, in our excitement, it never occurred to us to make sure that there were screens on all of our windows. Why wouldn't there be? But there were not. We opened windows Friday night, left for a movie, and allowed Kilo to make his first Great Escape.

We returned from the movie to find a band of stray cats scattering upon our arrival, and a poor, scrubby, dirty looking Kilo sitting on the doorstep really preferring to be indoors. If the window he escaped from had been open a little further, we surmise that he would have re-entered the house in haste.

As it was, he was extremely happy to see us and stuck close at Kenyon's side for the rest of the night. We cleaned him up, got the bugs & grime out of his coat, and he seems to be as good as new.

Kenyon is under the very distinct impression that he won whatever fight he was a part of, by the way, and thinks he's walking a little taller and prouder these days after proving himself to the neighborhood's feline population.

Either way, we're glad he's still here, and will more hesitantly throw open windows from now on.


Having Seen Australia

No, not the continent.

Kenyon and I were given tickets last night to see a free movie at the new theatre in town (a VIP ticket, by the way. Because we're very important, as you well know) There hadn't been a lot of buzz about Australia, but we took a chance on it since it was free. We were nervous, as we were the youngest people in the theatre by at least 20 years, but we went for it. We like Hugh Jackman. How bad could it be?

It was a beautiful film. Not a boring romance, not a war movie, not a western, not a drama, but something amazingly in between. It was serious with a tinge of humor through the whole first half, reminiscent of Moulin Rouge in several instances (whether that was directing or Nicole Kidman, I'm not sure), but an incredible and powerful story the whole way through.

So, we suggest it to anyone who's up for a good movie. It's nearly 3 hours long, but we were riveted the whole time. The acting was pretty darn good, the story was lovely and it's a crowd pleaser all around.

Plus, it was one of those movies that made us want to stand up for something and fight for it with all of our hearts. (I love stories like that!) It's a story where- rather unintentionally, I'm sure- the adventurous, loving, courageous, redemptive heart of God shines through, even though it's not really about Him at all. At least intentionally. :o)


Dishwashers. Best idea ever.

True story: Dishwashers are the greatest invention ever known to man. Anyone who has talked to me (Michelle) recently has probably heard all about it. We (and by 'we' I do mean we) have actually kept our kitchen clean for the last week. A whole week! And by clean I mean clean. No stacked dishes, no cereal boxes, swept, tidied, the whole shebang. I know... this is standard for most people. But, truly a victory for us! And we shall share it with you for the sake of celebrating.

My brain seeks order in everything, and to maintain an orderly kitchen helps me want to cook, want to tidy, want to bake and want to grocery shop. It's the truth. Don't know why, but it makes all of life easier. So, we've been cooking & baking up a storm. And it's wonderful.

And thanks to a dear friend who has been sharing quite wonderful recipes with the world. Her blog is perfect for young adults and full of recipes that are both easy & tasty. Check it out here.


American Idol

So, this season, we're way too emotionally attached to American Idol.

I, Michelle, cried twice during last night's show. Not like I bawled or anything, just a tear or two. BUT STILL.

Kenyon, despite his oh-so-manly demeanor looked super sad about some things. I figure he might as well as cried, considering his usually emotionless appraisal of American Idol.

Anyway, we're in mourning today because Jamar went home. So sad.


Lovin' It.

So, we're loving Mint.com recently. Quality program. Mint.com works with your bank account (quite securely), registers your transactions like any online banking, but then allows you to assign it to budget categories, which you have set with preset limits at the beginning of the month! We love it! We'd always worked through out budget on a spreadsheet which took forever. But this- is not only easy- but free. Yay.

AND- it supports a wicked cool iPhone application. So- on the go- we can check how much we have in a specific budget all the time. It's my favorite. See screen shot below.

Thought we'd pass it along. It made our life so much easier, and we hope that it might do the same for you!


New Year's Resolution. Promise.

So, consider this my (Michelle's) heartfelt apology. I officially am bad at blogging.

Consider this also my New Year's Resolution (is it too late for that?) to blog more frequently, whether there's anything truly exciting happening in our life or not. I shall share the joys, sorrows, excitements & victories of our everyday lives. I solemnly swear.

Now, after that rather official-sounding promise:

Happy January. My (Michelle's) favorite part of January thus far is our brand new addiction to the board game Settlers of Catan. (Read here about the game). Perhaps the reason I like it so very much is because I win every time I play it. I'll just be honest about that. There are few board games that go that way for me... so it's a keeper. :o) I shall have to track down a board and make Kenyon play it often. But it's truly a wonderful combination of Risk & Monopoly, but unbelievably shorter & easier. Cool idea, eh?

Kenyon has been pluggin' along at work. He's being recognized for how hard he's working, which is extremely rewarding! We're both thankful that he has a job that not only provides compensation but excellent benefits. And today- that's a big deal. He's happily re-reading the Harry Potter series (which he got for Christmas) when he's not working or out with me.

PS: For those of you concerned about Kilo, I just wanted to pass along that he's doing marvelously. He's getting bigger, but no less kitten-y, and is cooler than ever. Feel free to be jealous.