

Couldn't contain myself; I (Michelle) had to share.

A new Sherlock Holmes movie is set to release at the end of 2009.  And who is the cast? Our very own Robert Downie Jr. stars as Sherlock Holmes... with Watson casted as none other than Jude Law.  Yah, I know!

I am surprising pleased with the casting of Sherlock, but not so sure about Watson.  Funny, I always pictured Watson as a shorter and less lanky fellow, though I can't for the life of me remember if that's how Mr. Doyle described him or not.  Either way... Jude Law is never what I would have expected.

Read more about the movie here.

So excited... here's one of the production pictures from the set:


Best St. Patty's Ever.

Kenyon and I have had our favorite week of 2009 so far... this week.

Which is crazy, as it has yet to come to a close.

We had the privledge of joining my grandparents, 4 old friends and Chrispy & Sarah for cornbeef and cabbage on Monday night. Delightful. Food was surprisingly good (we won't lie... we'd never had either together in a St. Patty's day spread before), company was even better, and the conversation was hysterical. It's always wonderful to be surrounded by people who are.... quality. Down to earth, as real as they come, and terribly concerned with loving you to death.

We share Monday nights with Nana & Papa every other week, which is cool enough, but to add four of everyone's favorite people to the mix made the night even better. For Christopher, Sarah, Kenyon and I, it was really neat to sit back and watch such loving, wise people have a really good time, and quite obliviously impart all sorts of wisdom and character to us.

An excellent Monday night was followed by a similiarly wonderful Tuesday, when Courtney & Neil (from school) stopped in for some quality time before they prepare for their move overseas. They've felt a strong calling to head over to India to work & live there among the people for at least a couple of years, and we couldn't be more excited for them. To be immersed in such an incredibly beautiful culture is terribly exciting for them... and for us!

So we had the pleasure of feeding off of their excitement (not to mention feeding off of Kenyon's skillfully crafted skillet cookie) and wonderful memories for much of the evening.

A great St. Patty's day for sure.

Oh- and we get to go to Chicago this weekend in celebration of Kenyon's upcoming birthday. A fitting end to a wonderful week, I think...


Kilo's Adventure

With the sudden onset of spring weather and Kenyon and I's ever growing sense of cabin fever, we have officially thrown open all of the windows of our house to let in the fresh Spring air. I'm in heaven, as the bed sheets smell fresher, naps feel all warm & wonderful, and the smell of winter is dissipating.

Unfortunately, in our excitement, it never occurred to us to make sure that there were screens on all of our windows. Why wouldn't there be? But there were not. We opened windows Friday night, left for a movie, and allowed Kilo to make his first Great Escape.

We returned from the movie to find a band of stray cats scattering upon our arrival, and a poor, scrubby, dirty looking Kilo sitting on the doorstep really preferring to be indoors. If the window he escaped from had been open a little further, we surmise that he would have re-entered the house in haste.

As it was, he was extremely happy to see us and stuck close at Kenyon's side for the rest of the night. We cleaned him up, got the bugs & grime out of his coat, and he seems to be as good as new.

Kenyon is under the very distinct impression that he won whatever fight he was a part of, by the way, and thinks he's walking a little taller and prouder these days after proving himself to the neighborhood's feline population.

Either way, we're glad he's still here, and will more hesitantly throw open windows from now on.