
Almost a Month...

So, we haven't had time to tell you specifics about how everything is going... so hopefully I can do some of that tonight.

Kenyon is working at Starbucks. He's finishing up his training this coming week, and after that his hours will be bumped up and he'll be a full-fledged barista. Hopefully, within the month the management will recognize his talent and experience and promote him to shift manager. They've already hinted at this.

I am working hard at the church. I'm in the office Monday through Thursday and get Friday off to be at home. I attend meetings to plan the services and plan the sermons, to plan teaching series and to aid the elders in translation and study. I teach classes on Sunday mornings and Monday nights. I am working on word studies, reading books, helping with the arts and Sunday programming. It's fun. My hand's in everything. I'm learning so much about everything. Love it.

Some random things:

Kenyon's telling me that you all should know that he bought a knife today. Like, a knife. We're proud.

I got my haircut today. I know this sounds small, but in my world, this is huge. Brand new place, brand new stylist, and it turned out ok. Yay.

We have decided to take up watching Lost with the Fulfords. They are huge fans, so we're picking up on all the old episodes as we go. We've watched half a season so far... only two and half more to go by Thursday!



heather.snider said...

thanks for the update! Glad to hear that things are going so well....oh and lets see the new haircut!

Unknown said...

well I talked to kenyon personally...and that knife is a VERY big deal =)

i miss you guys.
