Three days in, I have learned the following about high schools students:
- Like elephants, lions, bears and tigers, (oh my) high school students can smell fear.
- Nagging, while ineffective with husbands, is extremely effective with the unmotivated student.
- No student really likes to look unintelligent.
- A high school student's reputation is precious. Damaging it through humiliation is deeply painful and should be avoided in almost all circumstances.
- Often when you say "please" and "thankyou," your students will too.
- The ability to laugh at oneself is a powerful weapon.
- The dean will always scare a student more than you will (at least when you're 5"3'). Let him (or her) do the yelling.
- A student would rather avoid a situation than fail in it, whether it is an assignment, a question or a discussion. Creating a safe environment for failure is essential to the learning process.
- Students are prepared to hate substitutes long before they are prepared to like them.
- Eyes in the back of your head are unreservedly necessary.